Friday, March 8, 2013

Stamp Convention Fun

Welcome to MorningStar's blog. I'm Pam Michaelis, MorningStar's owner.  I started MorningStar in 1998 and since then my husband and I have been vendors at over 238 stamp conventions in the US and Europe.  My first blog photo is from our convention this past weekend in Indianapolis.  The convention attendees in the photo below took convention lunch to a new level.  Check out their table settings - no foam plates and plastic silverware for these ladies, they brought real dinnerware complete with stemmed glassware and tablecloth.  Their lunch looks equally inviting! 

This was our first show for 2013 and our new spring designs were introduced.  The sample cards for those will be in our card gallery in the next day or two.  Thanks to all of our faithful customers for visiting our booth this past weekend.

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